Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dirt makes me happy!

Sullivan has discovered the joys of a tanning bed early on. Doesn't he look relaxed? His bilirubin count was a little high (pretty common in pre-term babies) so he slept on this "bili-bed" for a couple of days. 
Did I mention I have been knitting? The ladies (you know who you are) decided we would learn to knit socks. I tried to discourage them from this nonsense but they assured me it would be fun. I assured them that once you have made one sock, the realization that you have to knit another sock for it to be of any use would totally be a bummer, but they insisted we give it a go. I got a little carried away (yeah yeah I'm an over-achiever) and after knitting an adult pair for Katie, I knit a matching pair for the boy. So cute.
Check out this shirt - so tiny. I was folding some last minute laundry tonight and the size of this shirt just grabbed at my heart strings. Little Sully won't be wearing this for long, but I am sure the sentiment will remain - I am pretty sure that dirt will always make Sully happy! (read what it says on the dump truck)
I mean, check out the mess he can make and he is only two weeks old today!
So, here is the story:

Today was my last full day here in Utah, and as last full days go, it was, you know, FULL. We packed it in. I should add we did it in typical Kane style. We discussed hitting the road early to accomplish all we hadn't finished in the last two weeks.

But first, Olivia needed a nap. (So did Grammie, but that didn't happen). After Olivia awoke, it was lunch time, and then the Relief Society President and her counselor came to call - They were making the rounds as there have been SEVEN new babies born in the ward in the LAST TWO WEEKS. In fact, the twin girl babies live right next door. The Relief Society President said she thinks it is lambing season.

Next up, the baby needed a little nip to tide him over, and then a diaper change.

Now they warned Katie in the NICU before sending her home with a son that you should always stand to the side when changing a BOY. Apparently boys have different bathroom habits then girls, and it starts early on. Dismissing that craziness, Katie stood at Sully's feet this afternoon, changing his dippy dipe (Kane word for diaper). Sully expelled a little gas, then the lovely mustard yellow poop came FORCEFULLY, EXPLOSIVELY out his hiney and SHOT ACROSS THE ROOM - hitting Katie from her chin to her knees. It hit her bed, his bed, the rug. It was everywhere. Just like a jar of mustard under pressure. She yelled for my help and I obediently trotted right in to find her covered in...mustard?

Do you think it was rude of me to ask her to hold the pose while I ran to get the camera?

Olivia was MORE than happy to help mommy, getting right in the middle of the mei-lei. And before we could get the poop off mom Sully what did he do? He peed. Of course he did.

Do you know how long it takes a new mom to find a sassy outfit befitting a trip to the outlets in Park City? And how frustrating it is to have said outfit now covered in yellow mustard poop? It's OK, I think she looked just as lovely in her Jackson Hole sweatshirt.

So, right at the crack of dawn 3pm we headed to Park City. We met up with Hezzie (known as Z by Olivia) and Mama Winterton came too, and we shopped. And we shopped. And we shopped. And in typical kane style, we headed back to meet the boys for dinner at dinnertime bedtime. What can I say, there were some good deals to be had.

And now, my bags are packed, my clothes laid out for tomorrow. The plan is made, we leave at 8:30 (which really means we leave at 8:45 - it's a trick of the mind you know). I am awake and it is almost 2 am. I don't want to turn off the light, and try to sleep, because I know the tears will come. I am homesick, I miss Larry, I miss my empty nest. But I hate that I am leaving my girls, my sons, my grandbabies here. So far away. I know how blessed I am that I am able to see them so often. But when days turn into weeks turn into months, I hate that I am missing the silly little day to day happenings. I would rather be complaining that they are always in my hair, borrowing my stuff, pestering me. (oh yeah they manage to pester me long distance). But life goes on, and so tomorrow - I am leaving on a jet plane...

Know what else I am going to miss? 50 cent refills at the Silver Eagle. Utah does have some redeeming qualities.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

I laughed so hard at that picture of Katie because the same thing happened to me with Hamilton but I was able to avoid getting it on me, it just shot all over the room. Shelbs also told me about the $.50 refills and I was jealous. Enjoy them while you can. I look forward to seeing you when you get back. We need to catch up!