The Winterton's were gracious hosts for quite a get-together for the New Year! It was so fun to be together with everyone.
Both Cindi and Lisa served with me in Stake Young Women's. It was great to be together. Cindi's kids are getting so big and she is expecting her 5th! I dearly remember when Russell was born in New Hampshire. Cindi and I spent many hours in the car driving to and from Stake activities and meetings and got really close while she was here. It is always good to see her and get caught up.
There was quite a crowd! Winterton family including Chris and Chels (we missed you Chey!), Kane family, Pedersens, Riddles, Bostons, Brian's mom, and her brother Uncle Tracy from Wyoming, Chris's girlfriend, Lisa's mom Millie and her friend. I think that is 20 in all!
Lisa and Greg outdid themselves with Prime Rib to die for, and lots of other goodies to eat. The house was hopping and Cindi's kids want to move to the Winterton's house cause it is the coolest house ever. I agree!
disclaimer: you can tell I NEED to learn to edit photo's, but for now, this is what you get!