June-bug was an RN
I remember watching Mimi, June-bug, Mom, Ma (all terms of endearment for Larry's mom) whipping these up for my children. She had a pattern - one of the apron-bibs she had for HER children that HER mother had madeCan you see the mending? This was repaired over and over!
and simply following it's design, she made me lovely little bibs for my girls - embellished with lace, trim, and all sorts of rounded corners, pretty ties, and other niceties that she pulled from her frugal stash of sewing materials and supplies.Two generations of bibs - made by Larry's grandma (green) and Larry's mom (pink)
I picked fun fabrics and whipped a few up for the grands. I followed June's lead and just copied the bibs she had made for my girls. Half a yard of fabric, folded in half and in half again, with crescent shaped armholes cut on the fold. Finish off the armholes by either hemming with a zigzag stitch or using bias tape as Larry's Grandma did. Hem all around the bib and fold down and sew a casing at the top for the drawstring to slide through. I learned from mom to attache the drawstring with a few stitches in the middle so it wouldn't pull out. Make sure your drawstring of choice is longer than the casing so you don't lose it!(Please forgive my lack of artistry and photography skills)
Cars and Flowers
Here is Olivia modeling one of the aprons Mimi made...You simply slide their arms in the armholes, pull up the ribbon tie and voila - they are covered stem to stern and no stains on their cute shirts! Hopefully I can pass on these skills to my grandchildren.
Aren't they cute? (the bibs I mean, not the seamstresses)