Sunday, May 30, 2010

Apron Bibs

A few weeks ago I found myself at the sewing machine channeling my beloved mother-in-law, sewing what I call "apron bibs". They are so fun to make, easy peasy, and oh so cute on a lovely little grandson or granddaughter.
June-bug was an RN
I remember watching Mimi, June-bug, Mom, Ma (all terms of endearment for Larry's mom) whipping these up for my children. She had a pattern - one of the apron-bibs she had for HER children that HER mother had made
Can you see the mending? This was repaired over and over!
and simply following it's design, she made me lovely little bibs for my girls - embellished with lace, trim, and all sorts of rounded corners, pretty ties, and other niceties that she pulled from her frugal stash of sewing materials and supplies.
Two generations of bibs - made by Larry's grandma (green) and Larry's mom (pink)
I picked fun fabrics and whipped a few up for the grands. I followed June's lead and just copied the bibs she had made for my girls. Half a yard of fabric, folded in half and in half again, with crescent shaped armholes cut on the fold. Finish off the armholes by either hemming with a zigzag stitch or using bias tape as Larry's Grandma did. Hem all around the bib and fold down and sew a casing at the top for the drawstring to slide through. I learned from mom to attache the drawstring with a few stitches in the middle so it wouldn't pull out. Make sure your drawstring of choice is longer than the casing so you don't lose it!
(Please forgive my lack of artistry and photography skills)
Cars and Flowers
Here is Olivia modeling one of the aprons Mimi made...
You simply slide their arms in the armholes, pull up the ribbon tie and voila - they are covered stem to stern and no stains on their cute shirts! Hopefully I can pass on these skills to my grandchildren.
Aren't they cute? (the bibs I mean, not the seamstresses)

Friday, May 28, 2010


I just had to document this nightmare I had last night so I never forget my resolve! I was also inspired by this post by a funny guy named Mike. He put my terror into words.

So, there I was, in a high school auditorium that looked remotely like the old gym at my Alma Mater Ellsworth High. Do things morph in your dreams, like they do in mine? I was standing on a lawn chatting it up with my friend Jen, next thing I know I am in an auditorium with the most random people. And suddenly I find myself in my most favorite role - that of Activities Chairman, committee of one, and (in the dream) suddenly realize we are having an impromptu variety show. The Bishop is very excited, but things go spiraling downhill quickly. He bolted about 10 minutes into the show.

It seems everyone has a talent they want to share. And I use the term talent loosely. And in this dream nightmare, I discover that my friends can sing, twirl, lip sync, and even tap dance. Not only that, but they carry their costumes and music with them everywhere, because everyone I have ever attended church with, in addition to random people I have never met, lined up to perform. This thing was taking on a life of its own and I lost all control (hmmmmmmm sounds like my life right now?). It didn't phase these performers that in looking out on the audience - there was no one sitting there watching. Since there was no one in the audience other than random children running around unsupervised (another nightmare of mine) to see my intense embarassment, I decided to embrace the event and just let these crazy people do their thing.

It was clear they were not bothered by the lack of interested audience, they still performed their hearts out. (You should see my clowning friend Jennifer tap dance in my dreams!) There was a big to-do because a friend of a friend of a friend wanted to lip-sync a song that was inappropriate to some (another activities chair nightmare) and heaven forbid there was no internet access to google the lyrics.

I was fighting the urge to jump on stage and show off my mad juggling skills I picked up at Weber State College (Ok just kidding about the urge, but I do have mad juggling skills) - when I looked out into the empty auditorium and watched in horror as my third daughter (yes the baby)'s husband's most awesome grandpa (from Utah no less) walks in cause he has been encouraged to attend this most awesome variety show.

The embarassment was so intense I woke up, lost all resolve, and had to start my day with the newly banned diet coke.

But I didn't lost this resolve.


Darn, I really wanted to see Jennifer tap dance in real life.

Swagger Wagon

Kate and Rode are car shopping. What do you think, is this their style?

(Sorry I guess this blog layout doesn't lend itself to youtube - if you right click you can go watch it on youtube!)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Best Mother's Day Ever!

OK it isn't over yet - but here's what is so good thus far:

My house didn't burn down. There was a little incident with the fan/heater in our upstairs bathroom this morning. I didn't have time to call the fire department and wait around for them to check things out because I had to get to church to give a talk. I didn't think the Milton FD would understand, so I just said a little prayer that my house wouldn't burn down, and it didn't! Well, I didn't have time to call the fire department, but I did manage to run to get the camera to document the meltdown.

We got these delicious items at church. Smartest move the Bishopric ever made. I don't suppose they will ever include diet coke in the bootie, but oh well these cookies sure beat a wilted carnation with a 2" stem or a potted plant with the flower head popped off. I'll take cookies any day! The hard part was sitting on the stand before my talk admiring the large basket of goodies for over an hour!

I survived my talk. Most of you know I can talk forever, but those minutes leading up to standing up can really turn your stomach inside out. Basically it was a commercial for our upcoming activity "Provident Living, It Just Makes Cents". I got a few chuckles out of the crowd. I will soon post pics of the apron bibs I talked about in my talk.

Don't miss the activity - it's this Saturday from 9-2 - lots of good information for everyone!

I have finally let go of most Mothers guilt. So often we feel inadequate, incapable, and pathetic in this job of mothering. I have taken the advise of my wonderful stake leaders and LET IT GO. You can go ahead and give me a "Mother of the Year" award anytime you like, cause doggone it - I deserve it!

Heather called and offered to cook me breakfast, lunch, dinner, wash my dishes and clean the kitchen. Too bad she lives 2400 miles away! But it's ok cause there is only one dirty pan, one plate, and one fork that needs to go in the dishwasher. But I am holding to that promise this summer when she is here.

Since hubby is out of town and my mom is no longer with us, my adopted sister's hubby and son in law are cooking dinner for all us moms. Very excited for more pampering.

Happy Mothers Day to my beautiful daughters who are amazing women and wonderful mothers!